
Function getPY(char)
    dim tmp
    If (tmp >= 45217 and tmp <= 45252) Then
        getPY = "A"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 45253 and tmp <= 45760) Then
        getPY = "B"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 45761 and tmp <= 46317) Then
        getPY = "C"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 46318 and tmp <= 46825) Then
        getPY = "D"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 46826 and tmp <= 47009) Then
        getPY = "E"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 47010 and tmp <= 47296) Then
        getPY = "F"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 47297 and tmp <= 47613) Then
        getPY = "G"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 47614 and tmp <= 48118) Then
        getPY = "H"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 48119 and tmp <= 49061) Then
        getPY = "J"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 49062 and tmp <= 49323) Then
        getPY = "K"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 49324 and tmp <= 49895) Then
        getPY = "L"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 49896 and tmp <= 50370) Then
        getPY = "M"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 50371 and tmp <= 50613) Then
        getPY = "N"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 50614 and tmp <= 50621) Then
        getPY = "O"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 50622 and tmp <= 50905) Then
        getPY = "P"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 50906 and tmp <= 51386) Then
        getPY = "Q"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 51387 and tmp <= 51445) Then
        getPY = "R"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 51446 and tmp <= 52217) Then
        getPY = "S"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 52218 and tmp <= 52697) Then
        getPY = "T"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 52698 and tmp <= 52979) Then
        getPY = "W"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 52980 and tmp <= 53688) Then
        getPY = "X"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 53689 and tmp <= 54480) Then
        getPY = "Y"
    ElseIf (tmp >= 54481 and tmp <= 62289) Then
        getPY = "Z"
        getPY = ""
    End If
End function

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