
//按键精灵8.10.7234测试版 测试通过

UserVar LLKWIDTH=19 "水平方块数"
UserVar LLKHEIGHT=11 "垂直方块数"
UserVar LLKBORDER=DropList{"True":True|"False":False}=1 "外层是否可连"
UserVar LLKDELAY=400 "间隔时间(毫秒)"

Dim block()
Dim intX, intY
Dim bw, bh
Dim lw, lh
Dim blockcount

Sub Main()
    Dim bmpfile, typecount
    Dim bx, by
    Dim i, j, m, n
    If CBool(LLKBORDER) Then
        ReDim block(LLKWIDTH+1, LLKHEIGHT+1)
        ReDim block(LLKWIDTH-1, LLKHEIGHT-1)
    End If
    bmpfile = Plugin.Sys.GetDir(3) & "llk.bmp"
    FindPic 0,0,Plugin.Sys.GetScRX,Plugin.Sys.GetScRY,"Attachment:\djs.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
    If intX>0 And intY>0 Then
        MoveTo intX, intY
        LeftClick 1
        For i=LBound(block,1) To UBound(block,1)
            For j=LBound(block,2) To UBound(block,2)
                If CBool(LLKBORDER) Then
                    If i>0 And i<UBound(block,1) And j>0 And j<UBound(block,2) Then
                        If block(i,j)="" Then
                            If IsColor(GetBlockX(i,j)+3,GetBlockY(i,j)+3,"704C30",0) Then
                                Plugin.Pic.PrintScreen GetBlockX(i,j),GetBlockY(i,j),GetBlockX2(i,j),GetBlockY2(i,j),bmpfile
                                For m=1 To UBound(block,1)-1
                                    For n=1 To UBound(block,2)-1
                                        If block(m,n)="" Then
                                            FindPic GetBlockX(m,n),GetBlockY(m,n),GetBlockX2(m,n),GetBlockY2(m,n),bmpfile,0.9,bx,by
                                            If bx>0 And by>0 Then
                                            End If
                                        End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If block(i,j)="" Then
                        If IsColor(GetBlockX(i+1,j+1)+3,GetBlockY(i+1,j+1)+3,"704C30",0) Then
                            Plugin.Pic.PrintScreen GetBlockX(i+1,j+1),GetBlockY(i+1,j+1),GetBlockX2(i+1,j+1),GetBlockY2(i+1,j+1),bmpfile
                            For m=LBound(block,1) To UBound(block,1)
                                For n=LBound(block,2) To UBound(block,2)
                                    If block(m,n)="" Then
                                        FindPic GetBlockX(m+1,n+1),GetBlockY(m+1,n+1),GetBlockX2(m+1,n+1),GetBlockY2(m+1,n+1),bmpfile,0.9,bx,by
                                        If bx>0 And by>0 Then
                                        End If
                                    End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
    End If
    //Call ToString()
    Call Connect()
End Sub

Sub Connect()
    Dim connected
    If ISREADY Then
        Do While blockcount>0
            For i=LBound(block,1) To UBound(block,1)
                For j=LBound(block,2) To UBound(block,2)
                    If block(i,j)<>DEFAULTVALUE Then
                        For m=LBound(block,1) To UBound(block,1)
                            For n=LBound(block,2) To UBound(block,2)
                                If block(m,n)=block(i,j) And Not (i=m And j=n) Then
                                    If Line2(i,j,m,n) Then
                                        If CBool(LLKBORDER) Then
                                            MoveTo GetBlockX2(i,j),GetBlockY2(i,j)
                                            LeftClick 1
                                            MoveTo GetBlockX2(m,n),GetBlockY2(m,n)
                                            LeftClick 1
                                            MoveTo GetBlockX2(i+1,j+1),GetBlockY2(i+1,j+1)
                                            LeftClick 1
                                            MoveTo GetBlockX2(m+1,n+1),GetBlockY2(m+1,n+1)
                                            LeftClick 1
                                        End If
                                        Delay LLKDELAY
                                        Goto NextBlock
                                    End If
                                End If
                    End If
                    Rem NextBlock
            If Not connected Then
                //MessageBox "无方块可消除!重排后继续:"
                Call Main()
                Goto Quit
            End If
        MessageBox "方块全部消除完毕!"
        MessageBox "精灵初始化失败!"
    End If
End Sub

Function Line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    Dim result
    Dim num1,num2,i
    If x1=x2 Then
        If y1>=y2 Then
        End If
        For i=num1 To num2
            If block(x1,i)<>DEFAULTVALUE Then
                Exit For
            End If
    ElseIf y1=y2 Then
        If x1>=x2 Then
        End If
        For i=num1 To num2
            If block(i,y1)<>DEFAULTVALUE Then
                Exit For
            End If
    End If
End Function

Function Line2(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    Dim num1,num2,i
    Dim x3 : x3 = GetMinX(x1,y1)
    Dim x4 : x4 = GetMaxX(x1,y1)
    Dim x5 : x5 = GetMinX(x2,y2)
    Dim x6 : x6 = GetMaxX(x2,y2)
    Dim y3 : y3 = GetMinY(x1,y1)
    Dim y4 : y4 = GetMaxY(x1,y1)
    Dim y5 : y5 = GetMinY(x2,y2)
    Dim y6 : y6 = GetMaxY(x2,y2)
    Line2 = False
    For i=num1 To num2
        If Line(i,y1,i,y2) Then
            Exit For
        End If
    For i=num1 To num2
        If Line(x1,i,x2,i) Then
            Exit For
        End If
End Function

Function GetBlockX(x, y)
    GetBlockX = intX+(x-1)*bw+(x*lw)
End Function

Function GetBlockY(x, y)
    GetBlockY = intY+(y-1)*bh+(y*lh)
End Function

Function GetBlockX2(x, y)
    GetBlockX2 = intX+x*bw+(x*lw)
End Function

Function GetBlockY2(x, y)
    GetBlockY2 = intY+y*bh+(y*lh)
End Function

Function GetMinX(x, y)
    Dim i : GetMinX = x
    For i=x-1 To LBound(block,1) step -1
        If block(i,y)=DEFAULTVALUE Then
            GetMinX = i
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Function GetMaxX(x, y)
    Dim i : GetMaxX = x
    For i=x+1 To UBound(block,1)
        If block(i,y)=DEFAULTVALUE Then
            GetMaxX = i
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Function GetMinY(x, y)
    Dim i : GetMinY = y
    For i=y-1 To LBound(block,2) step -1
        If block(x,i)=DEFAULTVALUE Then
            GetMinY = i
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Function GetMaxY(x, y)
    Dim i : GetMaxY = y
    For i=y+1 To UBound(block,2)
        If block(x,i)=DEFAULTVALUE Then
            GetMaxY = i
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

Function IIF(exp, value1, value2)
    If exp Then
    End If
End Function

Function IsColor(x, y, color1, offset)
    IfColor x,y,color1,offset Then
    End If
End Function

Sub ToString()
    Dim str
    For i=0 To UBound(block,2)
        For j=0 To UBound(block,1)
            str = str & block(j,i) & vbTab
        str = str & vbCrLf
    MessageBox str
End Sub

Call Main()
Rem Quit

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