
一、论坛版本:Dvbbs Version 7.1.0 Sp1


Sub PostVote_Main()
    Dim voteid
    Dim announceid
    If Dvbbs.IsReadonly() And Not Dvbbs.Master Then Response.Redirect "showerr.asp?action=readonly&boardid="&dvbbs.boardID&""
    Dim action
    Dim vote,votenum
    Dim postvote(200)
    Dim postvote1
    Dim j,votenum_1,votenumlen
    Dim vrs
    Dim postnum,postoption

    If Dvbbs.UserID=0 Then Dvbbs.AddErrCode(34)
    If Request("id")="" Then
    ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Request("id")) Then
    End If
    If Request("voteid")="" Then
    ElseIf not IsNumeric(Request("voteid")) Then
    End If
    If CInt(Dvbbs.GroupSetting(9))=0 then Dvbbs.AddErrCode(56)
    Set Rs=Dvbbs.Execute("select locktopic from dv_topic where topicid="&AnnounceID)
    If Not (Rs.Eof And Rs.Bof) then
        If Rs(0)=1 Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    Set Rs=Server.Createobject("Adodb.Recordset")
    Sql="select * from dv_vote where voteid="&voteid
    Rs.Open Sql,Conn,1,3
    If Rs.Eof And Rs.Bof Then
        Exit Sub
        If Not (Dvbbs.Master or Dvbbs.SuperBoardMaster or Dvbbs.BoardMaster) Then
        If Clng(Rs("UArticle"))>Clng(Dvbbs.UserSession.documentElement.selectSingleNode("userinfo/@userpost").text) Then Response.redirect "showerr.asp?ErrCodes=<li>本投票设置了用户发贴最少为 <B>"&Rs("UArticle")&"</B> 才能投票&action=OtherErr"
        If Clng(Rs("UWealth"))>Clng(Dvbbs.UserSession.documentElement.selectSingleNode("userinfo/@userwealth").text) Then Response.redirect "showerr.asp?ErrCodes=<li>本投票设置了用户金钱最少为 <B>"&Rs("UWealth")&"</B> 才能投票&action=OtherErr"
        If Clng(Rs("UEP"))>Clng(Dvbbs.UserSession.documentElement.selectSingleNode("userinfo/@userep").text) Then Response.redirect "showerr.asp?ErrCodes=<li>本投票设置了用户积分最少为 <B>"&Rs("UEP")&"</B> 才能投票&action=OtherErr"
        If Clng(Rs("UCP"))>Clng(Dvbbs.UserSession.documentElement.selectSingleNode("userinfo/@usercp").text) Then Response.redirect "showerr.asp?ErrCodes=<li>本投票设置了用户魅力最少为 <B>"&Rs("UCP")&"</B> 才能投票&action=OtherErr"
        If Clng(Rs("UPower"))>Clng(Dvbbs.UserSession.documentElement.selectSingleNode("userinfo/@userpower").text) Then Response.redirect "showerr.asp?ErrCodes=<li>本投票设置了用户威望最少为 <B>"&Rs("UPower")&"</B> 才能投票&action=OtherErr"
        End If
        Set vrs=Dvbbs.Execute("select userid from dv_voteuser where voteid="&voteID&" and userid="&Dvbbs.userid)
        If Not(vRs.Eof And vRs.Bof) Then
            Exit Sub
            Dim arrContent,arrTemp,strContent
            strContent = ""
            If isNull(Rs("LimitIP")) or isEmpty(Rs("LimitIP")) Then
                Rs("LimitIP") = Dvbbs.UserTrueIP & "|" & now() & "@@"
                arrContent = Split(Rs("LimitIP"),"@@")
                For i=0 to UBound(arrContent)
                    If arrContent(i)<>"" Then
                        arrTemp = Split(arrContent(i),"|")
                        If DateDiff("n",CDate(arrTemp(1)),now())<=20 Then
                            If Instr(arrTemp(0),Dvbbs.UserTrueIP)<>0 Then
                                Response.redirect "showerr.asp?ErrCodes=<li>同一IP20分钟内只能投一票&action=OtherErr"
                                strContent = strContent & arrContent(i) & "@@"
                            End if
                        End if
                    End if
                strContent = strContent & Dvbbs.UserTrueIP & "|" & now() & "@@"
                Rs("LimitIP") = strContent
            End if            

            If Rs("votetype")=1 Then
                For i = 0 to UBound(votenum)
            End If
            For j = 0 to UBound(votenum)
                If rs("votetype")=0 Then
                    if cint(request("postvote"))=j Then
                    End If
                    If postvote(j)<>"" Then
                        If cint(postvote(j))=j Then
                            postoption=postoption & j & ","
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            If postnum="" or isnull(postnum) then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Dvbbs.Execute("update dv_Topic set VoteTotal=voteTotal+"&postnum&" where topicid="&Announceid)
            Dvbbs.Execute("insert into dv_voteuser (voteid,userid,voteoption) values ("&voteid&","&Dvbbs.userid&",'"&postoption&"')")
        End If
    End If
    Set Rs=Nothing
    If Dvbbs.Board_Setting(53)<>"0" Then
        SQL="update dv_topic set LastPostTime="&SqlNowString&" where Topicid="&announceid&" and istop=0"
    End If
    Response.Redirect Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
End Sub


<!--#include file="conn.asp"-->
<!--#include file="inc/Dv_ClsMain.asp"-->
Call ConnectionDatabase
Dim strsql
strsql = "Alter table DV_Vote add column LimitIP memo"
Set conn = nothing
Response.write "LimitIP字段增加完成!"

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